Operations, Maintenance & Management Services
IAI has provided full time contract operation of the City of Antigo, Wisconsin’s water and wastewater treatment facilities since 2001. Nine full-time IAI employees provide day-to-day operations and maintenance services of the city’s drinking water filtration plant and wastewater treatment plant.
1.5 MGD Groundwater Softening & Filtration Plant
Drinking Water Treatment
The City’s drinking water treatment plant, which draws water from groundwater wells and utilizes lime softening, filtration and chlorine disinfection treatment processes, serves about 3,500 homes and businesses in Antigo. The drinking water plant laboratory is certified by the State of Wisconsin for microbiology.
1.68 MGD Extended Air Activated Sludge Plant
Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
The 1.68 MGD (design flow) Springbrook Wastewater Treatment Plant is an extended air, activated sludge facility, with tertiary sand filtration and UV disinfection to meet stringent WPDES permit limitations. The plant laboratory is accredited by the State of Wisconsin for analysis of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus and ammonia-nitrogen.
Biosolids, a byproduct of the wastewater treatment process, are treated in an aerobic digester at the Springbrook Wastewater Treatment Plant, thickened to remove water, and tested to meet state standards. Finally, they are applied to agricultural fields in the Antigo area, at an appropriate agronomic rate. Biosolids not only provide nutrients but also improve soil structure. In Antigo, they are applied to fields that later yield crops such as hay, soybeans and corn.
Capital Improvements
IAI has supported the City of Antigo through many capital improvement projects at both the drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities. A selection of those capital improvements are listed below. These projects have been completed, in an effort to increase energy efficiency, improve operations, and extend the life of existing equipment and systems. Some of the projects listed below have been completely solely by IAI, utilizing our Contract Operations, Engineering & Technical Services, and Mechanical Services teams, and others have been performed with the assistance of other contractors.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Projects
- Complete replacement of the UV disinfection system
- Rebuilt tertiary sand filters, with underdrain replacement
- Installed complete mix aeration system in biosolids storage tank
- Installed fine bubble aeration system in aeration basins
- Installed high-efficiency blowers and dissolved oxygen controllers, providing significant energy savings
- Installed raw sewage pumps
- Replaced primary clarifier center drive unit and sludge collection mechanism
- Replaced sludge thickener center drive unit and sludge collection mechanism
- Oversight of contracts to replace building roofing systems
- Upgraded plant SCADA and emergency callout systems
Drinking Water Treatment Plant Improvement Projects
- Rebuilt gravity media filters, including underdrains
- Replaced lime feed and feed control system
- Updated SCADA and emergency callout systems
- Cleaned and painted all internal piping and valves
- Replaced filter backwash system completely, adding an air scour system with blower
- Installed a baffle wall in chemical mix tank to prevent short circuiting
- Managed water tower painting and refurbishment projects
- Oversaw contract to replace all building lighting with an energy-efficient lighting system
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